Program Management of one of the 20 Living Labs launched by the German Government in the course of energy transition: IW3 – Integrated Heat Transition Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; implementation of a geothermal plant including heat pump plant for local heat provision. Within the living labs, pioneering projects are being implemented in an industrial scale. As part of the Federal Government’s 7th Energy Research Program, they are intended as a funding format to support putting into practice innovative technologies and methodologies for the energy transition and to accelerate the transformation of the German energy system; leadership of a consortia consisting of 7 enterprises and research institutes;
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Green hydrogen: production, storage and distribution of green hydrogen with alkaline electrolysis; holistic management of investment projects on owner's side with the objective of achieving FID (Final Investment Decision).
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Marine loading arms: project management of an exceptional big contract for the company (32 marine loading arms for a refinery in Kuwait), contract value ca. 16 Mio. Euro; delivery to an international EPC-consortium; taking over of project management in the middle of project execution because of termination of original project manager; project in delay; direct reporting to company shareholder because of criticality.
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